Member’s Access Page

Prayer Update

September 1, 2012

Gracie Cable, the young 6 year old relative of Axie Eury, who’s heart was severely damaged is going to undergo heart transplant surgery tonight, Sept 1st. The Eury’s would ask you to please remember her in your prayers.
Thank You So Much
The Eury’s

Prayer Update

August 31, 2012

Update concerning Nancy Vernon’s Mother, Iva Queen, of Andrews, N.C. :
Another surgery on her back was scheduled Aug 21st. Since the first surgery (on August 9th) she had been unable to sit upright or get up without severe pain. She came through the second back surgery OK, she lost a lot of blood though and her vertebrae was so brittle it would not withstand the usual surgical procedure required. But as of August 31st, they have been able to get her up on her feet for a few minutes and actually sitting upright for even longer! She is still very weak and unable to eat very much (the pain meds are robbing her appetite). She has been slowly improving. We are all very encouraged by this and hoping she will be able to get into rehab sooner than expected. We’re very grateful again for all your prayers going out for her. Please don’t stop!

Many thanks,

The Vernon Family

Prayer Update

August 24, 2012

My son Mark is requesting prayer for his healing. He is in hospital in Arkansas. He has personally requested for me to ask the Church for prayer for his healing. He is in serious condition. He is a diabetic, has cirrhosis of liver, has acites (excessive fluid) in his abdomen, which makes it hard for him to breath, not to mention the pain and pressure on his other vital organs. Your prayers will be much appreciated and thank all of you so much.

From Mark’s Mother , Barbara Roush,
Church of God eim, Tulsa

Prayer Request

August 14, 2012

Iva Queen, (Mother of Nancy Vernon) is still experiencing a great deal of back pain after the surgery last week. Her Doctor says this is not normal, that she should be daily improving. Another cat scan has been done to see if any specific reason can be pin-pointed. Please pray for Gods SPEEDY intervention – that more surgery will not be required in her already very weakened and stressed condition.

 Nancy Vernon


Feast Announcement

August 11, 2012

Being able to perform special music at the Feast of Tabernacles is a unique opportunity to serve. If you have that talent we need to know!  Please contact Darrell Gaug, as soon as possible, as we have limited times to perform. I can be reached at or phone 330-634-7747.

Darrell Gaug


Prayer Update

August 10, 2012

Harold is still getting weaker.  He started coughing, I believe it was Monday.  He chokes up thick gummy mucus .  He even gets strangled sometimes.  Wednesday he started a low fever. Nothing over 100.Just enough to say he has one.  His cough has him so hoarse It`s hard to hear him talk.  We both keep asking God to shorten the time for him.  He hurts in many parts of the body, especially his tailbone and feet & legs.  Thank you for thinking of us in prayers.  They help us through each day. He hardly eats enough to keep a bird alive.  We keep asking for God`s Kingdom to come VERY SOON!!! Again , thanks to each of you.

Penny York


Feast Announcement

August 9, 2012

Subject: FOT Announcement -Ushers

The Feast of Tabernacles is rapidly approaching.  If you are willing and able to serve the brethren as an usher at this Feast, please contact Bart Lindenberg.

Work phone:  209-668-3182
Home phone:  209-589-1842


Prayer Update

August 3, 2012

Buddy and Axie Eury wanted to update everyone on the condition of Gracie Cable. Gracie is the six year old relative of Axie. Although the outward symptoms that Gracie was experiencing have diminished, doctors have determined that her heart has been seriously damaged and will adversely affect her future. The Eury’s ask that you would remember her in your prayers

Thank You

Buddy and Axie Eury


Prayer Update

August 1, 2012

Crystal had her surgery on Tuesday.  Her procedure went well. She is still having some pain issues from the surgery itself but other then that she is feeling much better.

Her headaches are gone and the tenderness in her face is also gone.

We would like to thank everyone for their prayers.  We know God heard all of your requests and blessed Crystal with a very smooth surgery and much needed relief.


The Altoms


Prayer Request

July 25, 2010

Please pray for my daughter, Marilyn McReynolds.  She has had 3 strokes.  The first one was when she & my son-in-law were here to help me in Dec.  She told her husband, Don not to tell me for I had enough burdens without my knowing about it. Since then, 2 more came on .  She has a numbness in the left side.  She is doing therapy-both physical and speech. She has hope that a part of the body will operate for both sides..taking over for the damaged left side.  They say it has happened in some cases.  Please ask that God will allow it in her case. 

Penny York


Birth Announcement:

Our beautiful baby girl was born on July 1 at 5:21 am.
Gredel Madeline Plagenza
Weighed 6lbs 14 oz
19 inches long
We are so appreciative of your petitions to God on behalf of our Gredel. Your emails have been a source of encouragement to us! We know God has intervened in Gredel’s life from the moment she born. Because of the continued prayers for her by all of you and us we know He will continue the miracles. Witnessing how quickly God answered all of our many prayers has been a reminder of how weak we are without our great God. Truly humbling.
Please continue to pray for her complete and total healing.

Much love,

The Plagenzas


Prayer Request

Louis and Mary are requesting prayers for Louis.   He had basel carcinoma (skin cancer) removed from the end of his nose and the inside the left ear,   They grafted skin from his left shoulder to cover this area.  Right now it looks pretty bad.   We would like prayers for God to intervene and heal him and remove the scars from his face.   Also for God to keep the pain down.  


Prayer Update

Our Granddaughter,  Kim Voo Wilson,  had surgery on both eyes.   The one is doing good but, one is not to good at all.   They will try one more time on that eye.   They said there are no guarantees that it will work nor, how long it will last if it does work.   Please pray for her as she is only 25 and we love her so.  

Thanks to all in advance,  

Louis and Mary