Violet Starr Voyles, daughter of Susan Voyles, is graduating from Canyon High School, in Canyon, Texas, May 27, 2016.
Violet is graduating one year early, as she has completed two years of work the past year.
Violet was recently awarded at an honour ceremony for having a grade point average above 95.
Violet expects to attend Amarillo College beginning in August, and plans to later pursue degrees in Computer Engineering and Creative Writing.
To hear the entire Sabbath service from Saturday 04/02/2016 click on the link below:
This service (broadcast from Ceres, Modesto) runs approx. 93 minutes.
Deacon, Mr. Corey Plagenza gave the sermonette: “The Potter and the Clay.” (This sermonette begins at approx. 7:46 into the audio file)
Pastor, Mr. Steven LeBlanc gave the sermon: “Obligations of Covenant #3.” (This sermon begins at approx. 35:30 into the audio file)
To hear the entire Sabbath service from Saturday 03/26/2016 click on the link below:
This service (broadcast from Ceres, Modesto) runs approx. 89 minutes.
Pastor, Mr. Steven LeBlanc gave the news update. (This news update begins at approx. 8:01 into the audio file)
Mr. Albert Guardamagni gave the sermon: “Lessons from Leavened Bread.” (This sermon begins at approx. 30:35 into the audio file)