We are back from the Feast and most of us have settled into our daily routines, much as we were before we attended the Feast; but there is a difference. We now have a collection of sermons that were brought to us—sermons we needed to hear, and now should be reviewing. Why do I say that? Because always, following the Feast God begins his testing period. He digs deeply into our lives to determine how much we have absorbed from the intense teaching and training we have been blessed to receive at His great Feast. So, yes, the trials begin, and before He is done trying us, He and we will know how much progress we have really made in our conversion.
One of the big questions we come home to answer is, do we really BELIEVE what we have been taught? When I capitalize the word believe, I do so to emphasize the idea that many believe what is said in the Bible, but, unfortunately, they do not live it. That is, they say they believe, and they think they do, but when crunch time comes, they find what they were taught is not manifesting itself in their thoughts and actions. Unfortunately, old habits, old thought patterns, and opposing attitudes die hard.
That’s why we need this ensuing time of trial and testing—so that we can be different from that. We need those challenges that make us work hard using God’s Spirit so that we can make God’s way an integral part of our lives. In that way we can arrive at the place where our lives are congruent—that is, we believe, we act in accordance with our beliefs; and we are, in fact, what we believe. If that formula is working in our lives, then we really are becoming like Jesus Christ, and that is our ultimate goal.
Most of us have heard the saying, “nothing is certain but death and taxes”. However, as Christians we know there are other certainties in life. We know God is on His throne, Christ is going to return, and there is a resurrection of the dead.
I will add one more to that list. As already stated, between now and the Feast of Tabernacles next year, there will be trials. It may be our own trial or that of someone we love that tries us and tests our faith. All trials are trials of faith in one way or another, and that is the subject I want to address now.
There is an example in the New Testament I am sure you are all very familiar with. It is the example of Peter’s attempt to walk on water found in Matthew 14. We know from the story that Peter was successful to a degree in walking across the sea, so long as he kept his eyes on Christ. But once he began looking at the circumstances surrounding him – the tossing waves whipped up by the blasting wind—once that imagery captured his mind, he began to sink. He took his eyes off of Christ and let his circumstances, which seemed impossible to him, bring doubt into his mind. Christ actually had to come, pull him up out of the sea and escort him back to the boat. In a way, that seems like a rather humorous situation, but to Christ it was an object lesson he could use to teach us all: Nothing is impossible if we keep our eyes on him!
When we go through our trials this year, let’s remember Peter’s example. Let’s keep our eyes clearly focused on Christ – the Word. Let’s study carefully what he says—what he has taught us at the Feast—so that when we step out of the boat, if he asks us to, we will not doubt and hear those words ringing in our ears, “Ye of little faith”. Instead, if we have faith as we should—we will walk on water.
Let’s have a good year. Let’s dig in and learn the lessons we need to learn. Let’s study the material given to us at the Feast, and let’s grow during this time of testing so that our lives become increasingly congruent. Let’s be at God’s great Feast next year with greater maturity and much greater understanding.
David O’Malley