How many people were on the earth before the flood? We know that before the flood the population “began to multiply on the face of the earth” (Gen 6:1). And we know that with this rapid multiplication of the population, the wickedness of mankind not only multiplied but increased in severity. We don’t know how many people were on the earth when the flood began, but we know that only Noah and his immediate family survived. They numbered eight people.
Before the flood God partnered with Noah in warning the pre-flood world:
2 Peter 2:5 “….and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly…”
Was this partnership a failure because only eight people survived the flood: No. It was God’s plan to start the human experience all over again using Noah’s descendants:
Genesis 9:19 “These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated.”
How many people are on the earth at this time? There are over seven billion people on the earth at this time. But there are very few who are obedient to God and Christ. That does not mean that the preaching of righteousness should end. Noah continued to preach righteousness until the doors of the ark closed. The church has the same responsibility at this time.
Like Noah it is not our responsibility to determine how many “be saved from this perverse generation” (Acts 2:40). The greatest teacher that has ever lived was clear-eyed when he evaluated the response to his work. He stated:
Luke 10:16 “He who hears you hears Me. He who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent me.”
This Sabbath Mr. LeBlanc will be holding a public Bible Study in Sacraments, California. Past attendance indicates there will be between 50 and 60 people who will attend. Mr. LeBlanc will present God’s truth clearly and concisely. He has asked the church to pray that attendees will hear and heed his words. He believes that among those who have attended prior Bible Studies there are those who are struggling to come to grips with God’s truth. God has commanded us to support these efforts in these end times:
2 Thessalonians 3:1 “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified just as it is with you.”
Please remember Mr. LeBlanc’s request to pray for this upcoming Bible Study, that nothing hinders.